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由于KRAS突变的高发生率及其在启动和维持肿瘤生长中的重要性,靶向 KRAS便成为一种理想的治疗策略。
Targeting KRAS is a desirable strategy because of the high prevalence of KRAS mutations and its importance in initiating and sustaining tumor growth.
KRAS是RAS家族中最常见突变的成员, KRAS突变在多种恶性肿瘤中以不同的发生率出现,其发病率以胰腺癌最高,其次是结直肠癌、非小细胞肺癌和胆管癌。
KRAS is the most commonly mutated member of the Ras family,KRAS mutations are seen in a variety of malignancies at different rates,its incidence is highest in pancreatic cancers,followed by coleractal cancer,NSCLC and colangiocarcinoma.
KRAS突变谱在不同癌症类型之间存在显著差异,98%的KRAS突变位于G12、G13或 Q61。
The profile of KRAS mutations differ significantly among diverse cancer types.98% of KRAS mutations are found at G12,G13,or Q61.
KRAS突变发生在许多具有不同突变频率的癌症中,但突变亚型也存在很大差异。患者对KRAS G12抑制剂的反应不同,暗示存在内在耐药性,所以需要持续探索耐药性,以确定临床试验中指示适当人群和肿瘤类型的生物标志物。
KRAS mutations occur in many cancers with different mutation frequencies, but there is also a large variation in mutation subtypes. The response to KRAS G12c inhibitors in patients is different, implicating the existence of resistance. Exploration of resistance should be conducted to identify biomarkers that indicate the appropriate population and tumor type in the clinical trial.